Okay so maybe we didn’t catch a bass every single cast, but we were catching Lake Fork bass on most of our cast for the first hour on this day! It sure was fun making this one!
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I've caught bass on every cast but nothing like the size these guys are doing — wow !
What is your favorite bait casting reel for under 200$?
Watching you lose those bed fish, there's not a fisherman among us that hasn't gone through slumps like that wether it be for a day or for a few weeks, man this year from January through March I can't tell you how many big fish I lost, did catch an 8.22 on Toldedo Bend in a 2 day tournament, my son and I got 3rd place overall and won big bass, but if I had fished clean the first three months of this year it would have been something pretty special, my son lost some big ones too. It's weird, last year from April through the summer I fished unbelievably clean, caught my biggest to date July 1st, 12lbs 10oz, hoping for another good summer this year, and next year I'm gonna be out for revenge on the months of January through March! Don't know if you've ever heard of Caney Lake in Louisiana, but I live about 10 minutes from the lake, I watched it being built in the 80's and have caught 2 double digits from here and more 8's and 9's than I can remember. Used to skip school to go and swim in one of the holes they had dug out for clay for the dam.
Keep it up brotha!
Is that the 4.5" hollow body / Owner Flashy Swimmer 5/0 combo doing work?
That tag line, tho!! Lol!
I can't seem to catch many fish right now….did they move out deep?
Damn it, I wish I could do this!