
Toledo Bend & Lake Fork Bass Tracking Study with Telemerty Study Update with Todd Driscoll TP&W Biol

This is part 2 of our discussion with Texas Park & Wildlife fisheries biologist Todd Driscoll. Todd is updating us on the study they are currently doing using telemetry, or basically a radio transmitter implanted in large mouth bass from 3 to 8 pounds in Toledo Bend and Lake Fork in Texas. He explains what they are looking to discover as well as what they are seeing roughly 5 months into the study.

They are tracking both shallow and deep bass, every other week and observing what those fish do, how they react to boat noise, where they rest, where they feed, how they react to baits, survival rates, every thing we tournament bass fisherman want to know. This is part two of five or six total videos in the update Todd gives us 5 months into their two year study.

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Waterland Optics (remember code Ken10 gets you a 10% discount)

TackleWarehouse Clearance Items

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Avid Tournament angler, outdoor writer, have won a few Angler of the Year titles including the Cowboy BFL, and a second place AOY finish in the Okie BFL and many tournaments over the years. On my channel I show lake reports from Sam Rayburn and Toledo Bend, tournament footage, footage on how to practice for tournaments, product reviews, map study, how to read and interpret your electronics, equipment, all the things that I’ve gone looking for from other sources over the years.

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My current favorite all around Lew’s Reel in the 6.8-1 ratio

Other products I use and believe in: Minn Kota Ultrex

Humminbird Helix 12 G3 Chirp

Best Line for the $ – Seaguar InvizX

Best line if $ doesn’t matter –

Big D trolling motor handle

GoPro Hero 8 Black

YOLOtek PowerStick

Power-Pole Blades Power-Pole Wireless Foot Switch

Rapala Touch Screen Scale

Loc-R-Bar Alarm System

If you plan to do any shopping, using our links before doing your shopping at Tackle Warehouse is the single greatest way to support Ken Smith Fishing! You won’t be able to even see a difference but they’ll know you’re part of the Ken Smith Fishing family and like what we are doing! Use this link please

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For some of the same gear I use at a discount check out these sites and discount codes:

The best rods and reels in the marketplace today Lew’s Rods

Lew’s Reels

Best Fluorocarbon and Braided line available at

Gary Yamamoto Custom baits

If you aren’t fishing with a are missing out, check out the Minn Kota Ultrex at

The BEAST the new Mercury V8 4 Stroke 250 Pro XS

Fishing as always in my 2018 Ranger Z521c with the new Mercury 4 Stroke V8 250 Pro XS.

Still looking for Bigfoot, dude if you are out there drop me a note, love to do a video with you.

Special thanks to all the people who help me stay on the water and fishing with the best products out there, Mercury outboards, Lew’s Rods and Reels, 6th Sense Fishing, Gary Yamamoto Custom Baits, Seaguar Line, Humminbird and Minn Kota Ultrex trolling motors, Onyx life jackets, Bite-Me Tackle. Humminbird Fortrex 350 MEGA Imaging transducer Humminbird Helix 12 Chirp Mega Imaging Sonar

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Make sure and check out my website as well,

Monster Staff

Lake Fork Monsters is a group of avid bass fishermen who chase big bass in the Lake Fork area of Texas. They’re known for pursuing largemouth bass, which can reach impressive sizes in this region. If you’re interested in monster bass, Lake Fork is definitely a hotspot!

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  1. I had a pretty cool experience on Rayburn that proved to me that fish travel long ways. I used to have a tree in the back of Coleman that I would catch this same 3 pounder off of. I caught him probably about 8-10 times and he had a fairly large cut on his lateral line. One weekend I was fishing a sweet 16 tournament and I went and caught this 3 pounder and took it to weigh in at umphreys. The following weekend I went back to that tree with my partner joking that he would be there. We flip in there no bite. A few weeks later I stop by again flip in there and caught that 3 pounder with the same scar on his lateral line. Since then it’s changed my perspective on bass behavior

  2. He mentioned the barotrauma of the tagged fish and having to fizz them. Would holding the fish in the livewell with fin weights for a while be a safer option? Fizzing can cause potential infection possibly raising the mortality rate, so I've read.

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