LGB Rods by Yourlakeforkguide- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/online-store
YLFG Pro Lanes- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/online-store
Fish Lyfe App iPhone app store version- https://itunes.apple.com/us/app/fish-lyfe/id1436252407?mt=8
Fish Lyfe App Android version here- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.v1510n.waypoints
Fish Lyfe App, Web Based Version for all device types including iPhones- https://www.fishlyfe.net/
Book a guided trip at- https://www.yourlakeforkguide.com/
Smashtech Custom Baits- https://smashtechbaits.com/
Striker Raingear- https://strikerbrands.com/collections/adrenaline
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The dropshot belive it or not, is where my confidence stays. Im a CA angler so out here thats a must have. Fishing Clearlake all I do is dropshot docks, everybody else out here does as well. I love dropshotting. Never heard of a 7'6 cranking stick for dropshotting. But that deflection in the tip is probably very nice, I like it. I was totally thinking power shotting when he said reverse Carolina haha. Yell tried the Tokyo rig out there in those piles or Power shot with a swim bait is a killer as well, drop swimming some Call it. Gotta keep it TEXAS with the rig though. God Bless
yall killing me with the talladega quotes that movies hilarious
Thanks for the great videos and details. I will be there this weekend with my kids! Give us a shout if you see us in my red jet boat
Thanks for the video it was great
Awesome information! Will try this out next time I'm over there!
Awesome video buddy
Man gona be there in a couple weeks canโt wait. Hopefully might see you guyโs there
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